You can join us by providing your details below. Membership runs from AGM to AGM. These are usually held in July each year and is held within the Annual SCATS BBQ for member and prospective members.

Your details


Photograph and video consent

I give my permission for the people named above to have their image used for publicising SCATS. This may include, but not be limited to, the SCATS private Facebook page, printed publication, and SCATS website. Names will not accompany any images.

How we will look after your information

As you know SCATS is a Charity, and as such, we hold and use the personal information you give us on this form. In order to be in line with recent Data Protection Law, we want to reassure you of our efforts to keep your information safe. It is kept on a password protected computer, and will not be given to anyone without your permission. We are also required to ask your permission to keep in touch with you. Therefore please would you sign the statement below when you return this form. As a member of Stoke Climsland Amateur Theatrical Society I am happy to receive information about the activities of the Society.

Thespian or robot?

Just a quick check...